European Mind & Metabolism Association

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Publications Suggested by EMMA's people


In this Section, you will find publications (and other theoretical production) about emerging cultural and scientifical themes followed by EMMA ! 


 FOLLOW recent publications by EMMA's people through the "ongoing activity" page; GET-A-GADGET: our paper reprints with a a kind donation !!!  

 Tongue out We announce a past TOPIC (Go!) for Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience : it has been guest edited by Dr Walter ADRIANI and Prof Carla PERRONE-CAPANO, and hosted several papers (opinions, commentaries, original investigations, reviews) allowing to focus on the "Further Understanding of Serotonin 7 Receptors’ Neuro-Psycho-Pharmacology". 


Doctoral School - (ab)normal social interactions in a telematic world

Fac of Psychology, Uninettuno University

This page will host the theoretical production by doctoral students about the emerging challenges in the today's society. We will put all efforts to the development of animal models to study the psycho-biological determinants of social behaviors as mediated by technology (using electro-mechanical devices operated by one subject to the benefit or at the expense of another subject). 



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In this Section, you find publications we suggest to read. BROWSE this Section using the buttons "next" AND "prev" at footer of pages. All members of EMMA are entitled to submit web pages in this Section.

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At the end of this Section: SUGGESTED BOOKS OR SPECIAL ISSUES to you!
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Events and Links

Meetings & Congresses

 Index of Congresses ...


the 13th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies in September 2017


Debates & Lessons
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Beyond science: philosophy, mind and metabolism:
1) Genes, but ...NOT ONLY...

2) Latest hints on innovation: "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES"

3) The burden of ADHD on modern society (families, health systems).
Societies, Journals (to visit)

Science Societies, Science Journals.

Associations to help people with a psychiatric disease (and their families).


Which of these lotteries would you bet a stake on?